Welcome to the State and Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS). SLEIS was designed to facilitate the collection and reporting of industry emissions data for state and local governments.
SLEIS Supporting Documentation
The following documents are provided as supporting materials that may be useful when reviewing and updating the emissions inventory report:
- Public/Facility Training Guide
- ND DEQ SLEIS Tutorial Video Series
- Public/Facility Training Session (Recording from 11/19/2019)
- EPA Source Classification Codes (link to EPA website)
- SLEIS Subscriber Agreement
Link to the ND DEQ Air Quality website.
SLEIS Import File Specification
The purpose of this document is to describe the SLEIS file import process and flat-file specification. It includes standards and conventions to use when constructing an import file, describes the physical structure of each import file type and provides basic instruction on how to create a SLEIS import file: